Jeremiah 29:11-13 (Amp) "For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. Then you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear and heed you. Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I did it!

I did it!! Yes I did! I removed myself from all the insane Facebook games and waste of time nonsense that was eating up my day and night! Now for those of you who have never been sucked into that world of vicarious living through a small weird looking avatar I applaud you! But for those of you who are like me and were playing the games you know how difficult this separation can be. What will happen to my crops? The wedding I was so diligently preparing for? I don't know nor do I care!

I'll tell you what I care about -- my children, our future and living a great life! You see I home school our children. I always have, I love it for the most part! I enjoy seeing their eyes widen with new understanding. I love being a part of those first few moments when something we've been trying to understand suddenly makes perfect sense. And I really love reading their creative stories first hand. I also have a home business! Well at least I used to have a thriving home business that was growing by leaps and bounds. I had to take a step back for several years to deal with some personal issues. Now it's 2011 and it's a brand new year! My business is growing again thanks to some amazing new partners and I am excited to be heading in the right direction again. Then it hit me! Facebook is stealing my sanity! It's taking my time and not giving me anything in return (except a sore butt)! So I removed all game applications and all the 'game friends' I had. You know what I noticed, posts by my real friends. It was amazing, all these posts that I hadn't seen before because my wall was filled with game requests.

So, again it's 2011, a brand new year. I am back on track in my life. I am a SAHM, a Home schooling Mom and a Home Business Owner! And you know what? I LOVE what I do! I get to be an integral part of my children's daily lives and I get to impact the lives of hundreds of families through my business. Truly, I am blessed beyond words.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Ahh ... Spring Time! It's such a wonderful time of year! The grass is green again. The trees are starting to bud. And Flowers! Oodles and oodles of flowers!

We went near a home improvement type store this weekend on a completely unrelated shopping errand and were shocked to see the mad rush of people going in and out of the store. Almost every cart we saw was over-stacked with flowers, peat moss, mulch and every other tool of planting you can think of. It was beautiful! Of course, it's only been about the fifth nice day we've had here in PA since winter has left us so naturally when the sun rose high in the sky and the clouds were absent people came out of their homes in droves!

Even my family got into the 'fun in the sun' this weekend. We cleaned the porch, did some weed whacking and fixed our gas grill. Fixing the grill was my favorite part because it opened the door for barbequing -- happiness and joy! We made onion burgers with cheddar and swiss cheese first. Then my husband and son made "Manly-Grilled Dogs" LOL Grilled hot dogs with every condiment in the fridge piled high on the bun. And, Yes, even the bun was grilled! My son was quite proud of himself -- having his 'first' "Manly-Grilled Hot Dog" just like his Daddy! :)

So get out there and celebrate Spring! Do some planting and grilling! These nice days won't last forever so enjoy them while you can! As always, God Bless!

Monday, May 30, 2011


Happy Memorial Day!!! To all those who have given the ultimate gift, the sacrifice of their service and their very life so that I and my children and my children's children can enjoy Freedom, I humbly Thank You!

I have a long line of family members who are serving and have served. I know the toll military life can take on a family and I've cried with friends who have lost loved ones on another shore. So on this beautiful weekend in May I celebrate you, your sacrifice and your service! It is because of you that we live in this great, FREE nation. Thank You!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday! No, today is not my birthday. It's not even anyone in my family's special day! It's a friend I have on Facebook, it's his special day! Now, this friend, I don't see him often, in fact hardly ever. And we don't go to lunch together or get together on the weekend or even during the various sports seasons to cheer on our favorite teams. No, I know it's his birthday because of Facebook. Some might find that strange. My mother would be one. She doesn't see the point of 'friending' all these people through an anonymous tool like Facebook. I don't agree!

Facebook is a wonderful tool. It's allowed me to get back in touch with friends from my childhood as well as those from college. I've also made connections with friends from church and complete strangers that I've met through a website I joined and of course those famous Facebook games that we all play but don't admit to playing! :)

My point is this, whether I know you from childhood, college or even if you're a new member of my friendship circle, if it's your special day I'm going to celebrate with you! Life is a GIFT! Every precious moment we share on this earth is a gift from our Father! Today, Monday, is another day I get to hug my children, kiss my husband, smell the flowers outside and eat a piece of chocolate cake! Take a moment today and truly appreciate all that is before you, the good and the bad, even if it's not yet your special day!

Happy Birthday! *HUGS* God Bless!

Friday, May 20, 2011

It's ALL fun and games ...

"It's ALL fun and games until someone gets a dimple in his head!" says my son Jack. Of both my children he's definitely the one who will always point out the obvious! The obvious in this situation is that my husband John whacked his head this morning coming up the stairs and had no idea how bad it was until he rubbed his head and found all the blood and "brain matter" oozing from his scalp wound! Honestly, I am not sure who is more accident prone in the this family but I'm leaning toward my hubby.

Of course he was 'just fine' and didn't in any way what so ever need any kind of medical attention at all! I mean, perish the thought even! How could I even suggest that the indestructible was somehow vulnerable as we mere mortal beings are! He was aghast that I should utter such nonsense! So of course I stepped back, allowed him to stay in his state and we moved on to the next happening on our agenda.

Onward to Kohl's for k-Cups, gas station for a fill up at $3.49 - thank you Giant Eagle Fuel Perks, and then hair cuts where for the first time ever Jack allowed his hair to be almost completely done with the buzzer. Greg, his first male cosmetologist, was entertained the entire time with Jack's tales of his video game adventures and his real life play with his sister Rebecca! I couldn't believe that he did the buzzer for such a big part of his cut, he usually doesn't because it's loud and it tickles his neck, or how much he talked. I mean I have never seen him so talkative during his cuts before. It must have been that it was a guy! So guess who is now our favorite cosmetologist?!! Greg, we'll be seeing you again! Thank you so much for doing such a great job!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


It never fails to amaze me how much laughter can come from two little people! My children are mastering a new Nancy Drew Mystery game on their computer and instead of being scared of what's around the corner they're giggling like crazy! I love it! Hearing their laughter causes me to smile and delight in the sound of their joy and laughter.

How often have you laughed today? More times than not I lay my head on my pillow at night and know that I have not spent enough of my day laughing. Too many bills to pay, too many things to do, another request for cupcakes or cookies or to help out with that activity, etc. The list of things and often people demanding my attention seems to grow exponentially every day. The result is a distinct decrease in my laughter quotient! This cannot continue!

Laughter fills our hearts with joy and lightness! It's absolutely contagious! Have you been in a room with a child who found something hilarious and couldn't contain their laughter? How long was it before you were laughing with them, perhaps not even knowing what they were laughing about! I laugh at my son every time he eats a lollipop! No matter what flavor it is he always manages to have it all over his face, cheeks and lips! And as soon, and I mean as soon as the stick hits the garbage can, he's looking for me to give me a big sticky wet goopy kiss! I love those kisses! They make me smile and when I look at his completely satisfied face I laugh!

You know January is not the only time to make resolutions. Make one today to Laugh more! Bring more lightness into you day, your heart and your life. You'll find that it is indeed contagious! God Bless!! :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 18, 2011

Hello world! My name is Tracey Hartman. I am a wife, Mom to two beautiful children and a friend to many. I hope to also be your friend as I go on this journey.

What is the purpose of this blog? To talk and share with my children my heart. Often my words on paper are more eloquent than they are as they come out of my mouth. I hope to also make some new friends as others find this page and hopefully you'll find a kindred spirit in me.

Today's wisdom is simple; always put the feelings of others before your own when you're thinking of saying something unkind. Too many times we don't think of what we're about to say before we say it, we just blurt it out and never think of the consequences our words will have. Words have impact. Think of how many times someone has told you how pretty you look today or that you played an excellent game that afternoon. Did your chest puff up just a little? Of course it did, we swell with good words. Our confidence is given a boost and the light shines just a little bit brighter. Now let's do this same exercise when someone says something ugly to you or about you. What happens? Our hearts hurt, sometimes we cry, sometimes we get angry but mostly we don't understand how that person could have said those things about us. When or where did they get the impression that saying something so hurtful was ok? Well, perhaps no one told them it wasn't ok or perhaps they are so used to having bad things spoken about themselves it's their normal. Either way a hurt has happened and the only way to make it better is to apologize and hope to move forward. Does the apology erase from your mind the hurtful things that were said? No, unfortunately not.

If we work on only saying kind words to others and about others then we'll never have to worry or wonder if our words have caused another person pain. This lesson used to be understand by all of us but over the last several years its message has been lost. I'm a bit old fashioned so let's bring the good ones back to the forefront of our minds and help make our world a better place to live!

God Bless you today!